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What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?

The EYFS is the stage of development from birth—5 years. Central to the EYFS is equality of opportunity, inclusion, respect for children as competent learners and as individuals, valuing their differing interests, abilities, family backgrounds and cultures.

Also important, is providing an environment that takes these into account and supports and extends children in their learning. Observation and assessment, and working in partnership with parents and carers helping to ensure children’s health and emotional well being are fostered, enabling each child to make the best possible progress. Alongside this, positive relationships are developed within the group between children, staff, adults and parents and carers and also other individuals involved with the child,including any outside agencies or other settings.

Development and Learning
There are 7 areas of learning within the EYFS (revised Sept 2014):

  1. Communication and Language Development e.g. listening, understanding and attention and speaking.

  2. Personal, Social and Emotional Development e.g. self regulation,  managing self and building relationships.

  3. Physical Development e.g. Gross motor skills and fine motor skills.

  4. Literacy Development e.g. comprehension, word reading and writing

  5. Mathematical Development e.g. number and numerical patterns

  6. Understanding the World e.g. past and present, people, culture and communities and the natural world.

  7. Expressive Arts & Design Development e.g. creating with materials and being imaginative and expressive.


For each area the EYFS practice guidance sets out ‘Development Matters’ - the likely stages a child makes along their learning journey towards the Early Learning Goals (what is expected that children will know and be able to do by the end of the reception year at school).
We will provide you with more details on the EYFS principles and
‘development matters’ stages when your child starts at Horsley Preschool.

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